
  • [Community] Korean Community for Foreigners 봅시다
    카테고리 없음 2020. 3. 3. 09:31

    Are you having trouble adjusting because of language barriers? Well, today I'd like to introduce some organizations and services that teaches Korean.



    King sejong Institute is an government affiliated organization where it teaches Korean and disseminates Korean culture.It's currently operating in첫 80 places in 60 countries. ​ ​ As Kdramas and Kpop idols like BTS are becoming more and more popular these days, King Sejong Institute gaining spotlight.To meet the needs of people, King Sejong Institute that started with only처음의 3 institutions in 2007 has reached a number of첫 80 institutions in 20첫 9.


    "Sejong Hakdangalsoo pened in Korea" King Sejong institute Foundation and Yongsan-gu have opened Yongsan Sejong Hakdang for expats living in blind spots in Korea and provide 국한nlectures and cultural activities.} Youcan meet Sejong Hakdang offlinenow guys!

    Nuri Sejong Hakdang is an online learning platform where you can learn Korea's culture. Highly recommend this service forthose of you whocan't visit Sejong Hakdang inperson. They notonly have Korean internetlectures butures ove, butures ove sove intynestare jong


    Sejong hakdang also has variouseducational 대힌밍크napps. Everyone knows apps are very convenient in many ways. ''I'm sure it'd be easier and more funif you use an app to learn Korean'' Among many applications, I downloaded "Sejong Korean Grammer Basic". It was organized neatly so it wase asy to identify stuff. The characters were cute and the games were funtoo. Ithas its merits in that it's FREE. Wrap guys! I hope you found this useful and I hope you'l get used to Korea using the services. Sejong Hakdang's Homepage: https://www.ksif.or.kr/Sejong Hakdang's Blog: https://blog.naver.com/nurisejongSejong Hakdang's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Sejonghakdang.orgThis was written by Hy Hyun Woo Kim, first creator supporter of Ablehouse



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